Aug 5, 2007


I am loving this shirt that Kellie & I both got from Urban Outfitters this week. It's girlie & fun, but sharp enough to wear to work with a nice pair of slacks or a skirt. UO is definitely not a business-casual hot spot, but this definitely fits the bill. Oh- & Kellie & I can buy the same clothes because she & Jason have made their final decision. They are leaving us & moving to Utah in December. :( We knew it was coming, but still. Sigh. They will be missed {tears to come in a few months}. We have a big "to do" list before they take off. Movies, road trips, shows & all the restaurants we haven't tried together on the UES. It's going to be a busy fall with our good friends... and then we'll have another reason to make a ski trip out to Utah. Sigh again.


Jan said...

I am having a hard time catching up on all the wonderful blogs you girls are posting. Hooray for you! What a wonderful way to spend the Sabbath!!!!
Oh - how I hate it when good friends move. It is simply not fair. They are irreplacable, wonderful parts of our lives.

Lindsey said...

cute shirt!

Unknown said...

That is a fun shirt. And I'm sad that your favorite NYC girl friend is leaving. Where in Utah? Maybe I'll run into them.