Aug 24, 2007


With seven in my family, it was natural that those of us closest in age became partners for Dad's photography sessions. Elizabeth & I are 2 1/2 years apart, & definitely mastered the poses. Oh man. There are other subsets within the family as well of course- just the girls, just the boys, all the kids {spouses included}, all the original Hudson kids, etc. Family pictures have always been an adventure. Elizabeth & I definitely had this nailed.


Patrick&Kera said...

ok, bottom right picture. One of you, spitting image of your mom, the other, spitting image of your dad. Can you guess which is which?

k. said...

I look like my mom, Elizabeth looks just like my dad. Wait. On second glance, it could be the other way around, too. I don't know!!! What do you think?

Elizabeth said...

Man we should have been models is all I say!

Heidi said...

Cute I love old fsily pics. My fam has certin poses we would always do when we were little as well.