Sep 18, 2007

Have to look good for 13.1 miles, right?

Half the fun of running this half marathon next month is the shopping for it. Tara & I spent so much time together on a "conference call" perusing the Nike website last night that it got too late for me to go on my run. Oops. :) I already have this top, but we are looking for jackets still. We have to match, right? Pink isn't our only option. We've looked at black & green, too {although I've shot down the ideas of blue & red... they just aren't my colors}.
We like both of these.
And I already bought these- I love, love, love them. We're definitely wearing them. Not shorts, not spandex... They're perfect.


Jan said...

Can I have one too? I LOVE the color. Maybe I need to set a goal of losing some of this extra poundage and when I arrive within shouting distance I could have a pink treat,,,,,Sounds like a good incentive.

Tara Edwards said...

We have issues you know....

Missy said...

All of them look PERFECT for the weather. Headbands? DO you wear them to keep the flyaways out of the face?

k. said...

Missy, I wear a headband to keep the flyaways and the SWEAT off of my face. :) I found a good one at lululemon. Do you recommend any good ones?