Sep 19, 2007


–verb (used with object), -fied, -fy•ing. to make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier: to simplify a problem.

I’d like to simplify my life someday. To do so would probably help with the high anxiety/stress levels when they come around. Maybe I’m already drawn to simplification {I’m quite tidy}. But the question is, how am I supposed to simplify when I’m on the train home with my iPod blasting, my cell phone vibrating, and my blackberry flashing an angry red light {“message waiting”} at me? Sometimes it’s just impossible to turn things off. How do you simplify when life circumstances might not so easily allow it? I suppose I could start by turning the iPod off, but then I’m forced to listen to the crazy man on the subway going on & on about the voices in his head. Sigh.


Tara Edwards said...

Buy your books on tape and listen to them on your I-Pod! And enjoy the journey! Life is always busy, but different busy.

Elizabeth said...

Buy an I-phone then you have your email, phone, text, stocks, you tube, map quest, blogs, calendar, weather, calculator, notepad, book and music on your ipod.. and a camera as well with video, all in one place.

Jan said...

From my vantage point I see stress has having various components, and thus various results. We can be busy 24/7 and do very well, but throw in a disruptive teenager, a project that we don't really relish, an angry employer, or a sick relative to care for, and boom, the stress level goes sky high.
As we learn to roll with the punches and flex a bit, stress tends not to derail us quite so much. We can shrug things off that would have otherwise caused us real headaches. Each of us can handle only so much...and only so much of certain things. What sets you off might not be a bleep on my stressmeter. We need to recognize our differences and accept them as they are.
What I have learned is that we need to be proactive on our own behalf. There is usually something that can give. It might be as simple as telling your boss that your phone will be off certain times of the day (A major good idea). While some might fuss as you stand your ground, if that is what it takes to get you on balance, so be it. You will work better and be happier as you work within your limits. It might be gong to bed earlier or getting up earlier. It might be any one of a dozen other things instead. Find what can move out of the way. I also sometimes need quiet - ultimate quiet and alone time. We need time to center ourselves.
If we're too busy and life isn't working for us as it should, things must change or else there WILL be a change and it will come as the body revolts. We don't want revolts.
Sometimes life circumstance don't easily allow simplification, but it doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be done. Priorities, priorities.

Jan said...

Man - sorry I wrote so much......I won't do tha again, promise!