Sep 10, 2007

Love my family.

I've decided today that my family is amazing. Of course, I decided that a long time ago, but was yet again reminded today. I spent some time looking at blogs {everyone updated all at once- it took longer than expected!}, Facebook, etc- all the cool ways we stay in touch. I poached pictures from everyone, so here's the recap.

Patrick & Kera had family pictures taken last week & are just about the most gorgeous family I've ever seen. One more month until I get to meet baby Haidyn for the 1st time. Can't wait! And Hudson- he turns 2 tomorrow. I can't believe it! He has turned into such a cute little boy, & Elizabeth is such a sweet mom.

Christopher & Erin- they're amazing. Not only did they recently produce a baby, but Christopher built a HOUSE in the meantime! It is absolutely gorgeous. The view is spectacular, & my brother had such incredible vision for the property. It just sold, & I am so proud of them.

Joanna does it all, & continues to work hard. She's been to more countries than anyone I know, & has had such spectacular experiences as a result. It was so fun to see her at the lake this summer {we don't get to see each other enough}. Come visit me soon. : )

Tara's kids had their first day of school. They're all getting to be so grown up. Sniff, sniff. It was so fun to see them twice this summer- and even more fun that Ellie will talk to us now!

And of course Andrew- he's on a mission, doing amazing. We miss him, but only 8 more months to go!

I think it's time for a Hudson-Family-Tree Reunion.


Patrick&Kera said...

My two week trip begins tomorrow night and I am SO excited to see everyone!! Sad I won't be seeing you guys this trip, but stoked I will see you in October in our city by the bay!!

Melissa said...

Patrick has such a beautiful family! I love his little girl's hair! Christopher's home is gorgeous! and all your nieces and nephew are just cute!

Missy said...

So fun! It's like I know your family and I have yet to even meet you. I still think that the oldest son (Tara's) looks like your husband Mike w/o glasses.

k. said...

Kera- I'm jealous. So jealous.

Missy- I think that maybe {maybe?} I agree re: Parker & Mike. I see it. I do.

Missy said...

And your brother (Patrick?) or is Kera your sister? Anyway, Patrick does look a bit like Devin when Devin has a goatee (sp?). Funny.

k. said...

Kera is married to my brother Patrick {who is 4 years older than me}. I like both of them a lot.