Sep 10, 2007

Probably #3 on my Should-be-Banned list

I pretty much hate these mirrors. They always seem to have them in hotels, & I'm pretty sure that I always waste at least 20 minutes examining the complexities of my face. Actually, I'd rather just not look, but how can you not? Eww. I do not have flawless skin.

This being said- it's 12:30am, I have catch-up work to do after traveling to Philly this afternoon & attending my event tonight {a raging success, by the way}, & I have to meet my team for breakfast at 7:15am. Time for bed!

PS- Totally unrelated- I miss you Mike.


Missy said...

Those mirrors are the worst! Inevitably you end up looking at them though and dissecting though.

Jan said...

This is the thing - you are young and beautiful....When you get to be my age you HAVE to use one of them or else you'll find yourself with something really awful going on that you haven't seen. Better safe than sorry is my motto.

Mike said...

I miss you too!

Tara Edwards said...

I always look for Mom's evil mirror when I go home to make sure that I get a good hard look at every little flaw :) I know they should be banned but it also kind of gives me motivation to take care of each little pore!