Sep 14, 2007

Pio Pio (chirp chirp).

This is what Mike & I ate for dinner last night. He was thoughtful enough to take me out on a Thursday night date (just for fun) to a Peruvian restaurant around the corner from us called Pio Pio ("chirp, chirp" in Spanish - the sound that they made before they cooked the chickens for our dinner... sad). Anyway - the food was delicious & different. We had plantains, chicken, avocado salad, an interesting mix of french fries & hot dogs (Mike says this is a Peruvian thing), & a cake-like dessert filled with dulce de leche. It was simply nice to spend some time together during the week (gasp). We think it's great to have so many different varieties of food available, all within walking distance of our apartment - reason #146 why we love New York.


Heidi said...

I love date nights during the week!

I would love to live in NYC for the exact reason you mentioned- so much variety (and within WALKING distance).

Unknown said...

Mmm. All but the plantains. I just can't like those things. Peru is on the very top of my list of places I need to discover {and climb}.

Mike said...

Mmmm... chicken...

Missy said...

Mike's comment sounds like something Devin would say...

Fun to go out mid-week too!