My Saturday run: Quite the adventure. I should have known better, seeing as how the sky was grey & it was
humid this morning. At about mile 4, it started to POUR. It wasn't just drizzling, it was an absolute downpour. It was as if someone turned on a shower- with really great water pressure. I could barely see, thanks to all of the water pouring into my eyes, & then it started to sting, thanks to the water/sweat mixture. My apartment is a mile east of the left side of this picture. I was on the far right of this picture {on the opposite side of the reservoir as my apartment}. This meant that I had approximately 2 1/2 miles of a run in the pouring rain. Thanks to super cool running shorts, I tucked my
iPod safely away, & it managed to survive. I sprinted my way home, & it actually felt pretty good. But still- I was soaked to the bone when I got home, & several people obviously laughed as I ran by. I' m sure I looked very similar to a wet rat. Oh well. At least it wasn't cold, & really... It was sort of fun.
Otherwise... The weekend has been nice. We grabbed fajitas for dinner last night at a favorite Mexican place down the street, and I was happy to wake up without an alarm this morning {& after the sun was already up for a bit}. After my mid-morning run, I managed to sit on the couch for a few hours to watch The Office. I think we've just about made it all the way through season 3 this week {and we kept up all season!}. We're a little obsessed, but it was a good way to relax on a rainy Saturday afternoon. We met friends at Shack Shack for dinner, & here we are... back at the apartment, past midnight, watching The Office. Again. Love it.
I'm glad you like the shorts! And as always, I'm impressed that you run as far and fast as you do. I think if I lived there I would keep a $10 bill in my pocket for just in case emergency situations like you cramped up and couldn't run anymore, or if it started to rain. Or something like that.
Yup- I definitely always carry a credit card with me, just in case (whether it be an actual emergency, or an emergency shopping trip, etc! There's a lot of opportunity between York Ave and 5th Ave!).
We're the same, watching Office all over again preparing for Thursday!
Some of my favorite runs are one's like those where I come back sweaty (and wet if it rained) with mud on the back of my calves from the trails..
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