Oct 23, 2007

Dear Fall:

I would appreciate it if you would arrive. Sooner, rather than later, would be preferable. It is 75 degrees today, with 81% humidity. 81%?! Don't forget that it is OCTOBER, not June. New York City is experiencing the warmest October on record. I've really been looking forward to beautiful Central Park, to runs around the reservoir underneath the beautiful trees & their brightly colored leaves. But here's the problem- they are green. Everything is still GREEN, and the air is NOT crisp like it should be. Every so often I see a scattering of brown leaves on the sidewalk, but brown leaves do not count as Fall Foliage. Skipping right over the oranges, reds & yellows is just not cool. This is the North East! Change already!

And related, but separately- I got a really cute jacket in San Francisco last weekend. I'd appreciate the chance to wear it. Would some cooler temperatures be too much to ask? And- hot chocolate is going to be at Shake Shack next week. I don't want to sweat while I'm drinking it's yummy goodness. 

Looking forward to seeing you soon. 



Heidi said...

I can't believe that- 81% humidity! I could not handle it. I am a dry air girl.

Jan said...

Really? So sorry - Here in Portland they are enjoying all that we love about fall minus the lower temperatures. The trees are really glorious, and here in Tara's neighborhood they come in all shapes and sizes. It's amazing.....nature at its best...top of the mark.