Oct 22, 2007

We were hungry.

Our after-race dinner.


Heidi said...

Yum where all did you eat while you were there? I am hoping to take Ben soon and need some food ideas!

Kera said...

I just want to say that the rest of the night I felt SO sick after that food settled. I don't think I will eat a hamburger, fries, soda, and a shake next time right after. My body was NOT happy with me.

Tara Edwards said...

My body didn't mind the shake or the chicken but we could have done without the fried vegetables!

I think I've just started to be hungry again and it's 24 hours later!

k. said...

I didn't eat until the next morning, at 10:30 EST! Definitely a big meal (and I only ate half of my burger!).

Heidi, we didn't go anywhere fancy, just tried to keep our meals healthy and simple before the race... This being said, there are some cute little places that Tara/Patrick & Kera liked... Pluto's (Salads/sandwiches), Crepe Vine (I loved it- I love crepes) and Pomodoro (sp?) a small pasta place (there are a a few locations). I can't remember the name of the burger place, but it was yummy. :)

Heidi said...

I am not that into fancy places so thanks for your recommendations!

k. said...

Crepe Vine is on Irving. It was my favorite place (we went for breakfast). Yum.

Tara Edwards said...

The burger place of gluttony is called Barney's and it's in the Marina. There is now a Crepe Vine on Filmore as well, but there are lots of other little crepe places, the one on Irving was my favorite when we lived there. It was yummy!

Phil said...

I vote for Pluto's.