Oct 30, 2007


I'm wearing brown & black today. In the same outfit {brown sweater, black pants, black coat, brown bag, brown shoes}. I like the look. I think. Maybe? The sweater is more caramel than brown, which helps I think. And anyway- if leopards can do it, why can't I? Right? This tends to be a controversial & divisive issue...


Jennifer said...

Oh, caramel and black outfits were my thing when I worked at Nordstrom. I love browns and who doesn't love black...it makes sense they'd go together.

Kellie said...

I'm sure if it's something you put together it looks great, birthday girl!

Lula. said...

Happy Birthday (thanks to Facebook ;)! ...and thanks for the invite to wire.whisk. I will have to find a good recipe to post.

Joanna said...

Hello! You're not even blogging about your birthday?!

I celebrated your birthday by buying myself a new coat. :) Did you splurge on anything fun?!

Rae said...

I used to be COMPLETELY against black and brown. It was like a phobia. But now I embrace it. The combo can look great!