Oct 29, 2007

No. Way.

The general manager of Shake Shack actually wrote me back. And then- he actually sent me the recipe. It's here. Can't wait for a crowd big enough to make it!


Melissa said...

whoa! that is sweet that you got the recipe! We are trying this one for sure!

Missy said...

I love writing companies and it's even better when they respond. With everything you've said about it, I really want to make it!

Tara Edwards said...

That is just crazy that they would give it to you. Pretty cool! And if you took math, you could probably figure out how to make the recipe smaller :) I KNOW that I would mess it up.

Unknown said...

Would you say that it's better than the W-S hot chocolate with their giant homemade marshmallows?

Happy Birthday tomorrow!!

Lindsey said...

I love that you wrote them AND they responded! There's a company I've been meaning to write and you've just inspired me to move it up on the "to do" list.

Lula. said...

That is seriously so awesome. Way to go!