Oct 27, 2007

A Mighty Heart

Mike & I watched this film last night. It touched me. It was an incredible portrayal of a beautiful relationship & marriage, & the horrific tragedy that could have easily forever broken Mariane Pearl. Her courage & overall reaction to the brutal murder of her husband Daniel Pearl, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, was nothing short of inspiring. She stated, "I am not terrorized".
The film was incredibly well done, & Angelina Jolie was absolutely amazing. I've heard that she was heartbroken after A Mighty Heart did not do well at the box office. After seeing the movie, I can understand where this pain would come from. To know Mariane Pearl as she now does, to share such a personal & tragic story... I would want it to be well received as well. The goal of the film was to instigate change, to create more awareness, to remind people to keep the dialogue open. I'm certain that this film will still play a small part in working towards these goals... I hope it does.
And FYI {although I never feel a need to explain myself}, the film is rated "R" for no other reason than difficult subject matter- there was absolutely nothing questionable in the film. I would feel perfectly comfortable sitting on the couch with my in-laws watching this film.


Missy said...

This really does look and sound good. I love movie recommendations. Have you seen Little Miss Sunshine (on a whole different storyline)? We watched it last night and loved it.

Unknown said...

Is it on dvd or in a theater? I haven't watched a movie in at least a year. I love good recommendations too.

Mike said...

Missy, we saw that in the theater & absolutely loved it. I love movies like that (quirky).

And Kelli- it just came out on DVD.

Oh- and this is Kathryn, not Mike.