Nov 29, 2007

40 hours.

I am super excited to go to Seattle this weekend for Alissa's bachelorette party {because we all know that I am the partying type}. :) It actually will be a lot of fun. Alissa & I are staying in a hotel together right by the water in Seattle tomorrow night, spending Saturday at the spa, & then meeting up with a bazillion other girls to go "clubbing" Saturday night {Clubbing?? What is this thing they speak of??}. There is a van with a hired DD {designated driver} slated to chauffeur us around from approximately 8pm until 2am, if that's any indication as to what kind of night it will be. Please keep in mind that this is Seattle. As in, Pacific Time. My poor body will surely be thoroughly exhausted when I climb into bed around 6am Eastern Time.
This will be an outside-of-my-comfort-zone weekend. Once again, I will be the conservative Mormon amongst my old high school friends {most of whom I haven't seen in years}. I had to call Alissa & ask her what the girls are wearing to the bars these days. The tight jeans & tank top description didn't help my cause very much. That's not so much me, & a Shade Shirt would most certainly look ridiculous under the much-suggested halter top options. I made a few desperate shopping trips this week & finally found a cute tunic top. Green, sort of shiny. With sleeves to my elbows. I promise I won't look like a huge piece of asparagus. I hope not anyway. It's far more trendy than anything I would ever typically wear, & it's not from Banana, JCrew or Anthropologie, so I figure it will work. With skinny jeans & heels, it may just. I just have a feeling that I will look like I'm wearing a {green} burlap sack while the cute girls are wearing their bikini tops. Or whatever they wear to clubs these days. I'm so out of it. Sigh. But. BUT. It will be fun. I love Alissa {we've been friends since the drama-filled days of 7th grade} & am happy to be there for all 40 hours of my trip. I get in Friday night & leave mid-morning on Sunday. If only I could squeeze some time to make the quick 30-minute flight to Spokane.
I'll take pictures. This should be interesting.
Oh- & I already have my drinks picked out {I've learned to be very creative, with all of my work events & such}. Diet Coke & cranberry juice is a favorite {1/3 cranberry juice, 2/3 coke - delicious!}, and Coke with Orange Juice. Not even kidding. It's really good. Oh- & Red Bull. Lots & lots of Red Bull. Sorry, Mom- I know it's poison, but my typical 10pm bedtime {7pm Pacific Time} will not likely help my cause.


Heidi said...

I am not the clubbing type and we went dancing for ben's med school Halloween party this year. Every girl there actually was in her bra and underwear (I am not kidding!) while I was full dressed. Nevertheless, I had A LOT of fun. Not something I am planning on doing anytime soon (or again?) but I Ben and I had a blast. I think your shirt sounds cute. Spa time is always nice too. Have fun!

Kera said...

You bought skinny jeans! I wish you could take a picture and send them to me right now!

k. said...

They are cute- I got them about a year ago, and I continue to love them. Most of them time. And with the right shoes. :)

Unknown said...

Oh. That would make me very nervous. Public dancing is my nightmare. And in a club years after high school... yikes! But it WILL be fun being with all your friends and the spa day sounds fantastic! Good luck and yes.. plenty of pictures please!

Missy said...

I think the spa time and room service would be just fine for me. The clubbing would probably make me nervous too - at least your outfit is prepared!

Jan said...

Give Alissa a great big hug for me and tell her I can't wait to see her at her shower in a few weeks! Thank goodness it will be in Spokane on familiar terra ferma and I will be with somewhat like minded "more mature" women aka middle aged grandmas. You're a wonderful friend, Kathryn. I admire you for your true blue support of your dear, dear friend. Neither of you will ever forget that you flew almost 6000 miles just to enjoy a day and an evening celebrating her upcoming wedding.

Julia said...

You are hilarious! I'm sure you will have a great time.

I had to go to something like that a few weeks ago, and I am really not the clubbing type (much more the symphony or opera type). I ended up wearing skinny jeans and really high heels, and a top I had from High School!! the funny thing was that everyone kept asking where I got my top. I wasn't sure if I should tell them Nordstrom-- in 1998!