Nov 25, 2007

Do I want a new header?


or the updated original


OR getting a little festive for the Holidays...

Please vote. {I may just be suffering from a case of Sunday afternoon boredom. Mike is taking a long Sunday nap, & I don't have anyone to play with. I already redesigned Elizabeth's blog.}


Julia said...

I love your current banner, but I understand the need for a change. I like the middle one.

Ben said...

One vote for the original, if not then seasonal.

Unknown said...

I like the last "whiting" letters banner or the seasonal.

Melissa said...

I also like the last "whiting" banner. Fun!

Heidi said...

Long term I like one of the letter banners but short term I am all for the festive holiday one!!

Jan said...

Seriously - anything you choose will be great...Change is fun.....a holiday theme would be very delightful

Missy said...

I like #1 or the seasonal.

Kellie said...

I like the seasonal one for now, but after that I like the original/revised original

Lindsey said...

I am all for the seasonal right now. I understand your need to change things up...I'm debating the same.

Jan said...

Lexi loves the second one - She would like that as the header on the Cousins blog when/if you have time......

Kera said...

seasonal for now. Let the Holidays begin!

Elizabeth said...

I like the last letter one

Lula. said...

I like the Christmas one...then the updated original. You really have an eye for that kind of thing. I should hire you to do ours.

k. said...

Lauren, I think our tastes are aligned. I've been thinking about this for a few days, and I think I agree. Christmas, then updated original (I really love the French Script font).

I will do yours, gladly. :) I don't have a talent, but I do like simple and pretty. It's fun to do, and easy.