Nov 6, 2007

Everything is Illuminated.

Mike & I watched Everything is Illuminated last night. It's an independent film {Liev Schreiber} that came out in 2005- I had never heard of it until I decided that I wanted to read Jonathan Safran Foer's book. The film is about a young American man- a collector of sorts- of Jewish Ukrainian descent who travels to find the woman who saved his grandfather in World War II. His local guides include an old man who pretends to be blind, & a young man who speaks oddly broken, yet remarkably funny English. The story & characters were incredibly unique, a little quirky, oftentimes funny, profoundly sad in parts, & extremely poignant. I think I'd like to watch it again, just to make sure that I really get it. I really liked it.

1 comment:

Missy said...

I'm so excited - we're getting it tonight. It sounds like a movie we'll love.