Nov 2, 2007


The number of celebrity sightings I have had in New York over the last 2 1/2 years is really quite pathetic. You'd think I lived in Omaha {no offense}. Going down the list...

Mike & I went to eat the over-rated frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity during our first month or so in New York {it really isn't worth the wait}. As we were eating, Mike casually mentioned that the woman at the table next to us looked a lot like Meg Ryan. I turned & looked & said, "Uhm, Mike, that is Meg Ryan." She was eatting dessert with her son. Her skin was absolutely flauless {& quite taut, I must say}.

My office was in an amazing spot when I was working for McKinsey our first year in Manhattan. I spent a lot of time shopping {window shopping?} on 5th Avenue. I was walking down the street one day when I saw a guy approaching that looked familiar. My first thought was that I knew him from BYU. My 2nd thought was that he was friends was one of my older sisters. My 3rd & correct thought was that it was Jimmy Cooper {aka Tate Donovan- he played Marissa Cooper's dad on The OC. I know you watched it}. Random.

On one of my dad's trips to New York, we took him to this super trendy, super loud restaurant {it turned out that it was more like a club downstairs, especially given our 10:30pm reservation}. Wesley Snipes {pre-tax evasion charges} was hanging out with quite the large crowd of barely-clad ladies at the table next to us. He was wearing an absolutely horrendous bright orange sweater.
Then today, after a very long celebrity drought... I saw Ethan Hawke, no more than 200 yards from my front door {okay, my building's front door}, picking up his kids at Asphalt Green. He was actually quite dreamy. Smiling. Talking to the other parents picking up their kids. Quite normal. I passed within 6 inches of him on the sidewalk. I kept my cool, made eye contact {yes, eye contact}, & kept walking. I didn't even gasp. My heart sort of did a little flip-flop though.
They're just people, right? Why do I even care? A lot of the guys I work with likely make more money than a lot of these celebrities, & they don't freak me out. So if it isn't about the money, then what is it about celebrities that we find so fascinating?


Rae said...

GOOD QUESTION! I wish I knew.....everyone out here laughs at me because I get so giddy on the inside after a celeb sighting. I don't know what it is. It's just so strange, I guess, when you've been seeing pictures and watching shows of a person for years, and then suddenly there they are, right in front of you, in the flesh.
Strange fascination.

Heidi said...

That is a good question but it happens- I have experienced the same thing and afterwards am left wondering why?

I did not watch The OC but I did watch Friends so I recognise Tate- remember when he was Jennifer Aniston's boyfriend in real life (pre-brad) and then he was her boyfriend on the show too- she called him Josh-ua.

We must have very different tastes because I absolutely love the frozen hot cocoa at Serendipity. Given I have only had itlike twice times in my life... Oh and their cheesecake is my favorite, I bought the cookbook and now make it frequently. In my opinion- worth the wait!

Elizabeth said...

Its that they make you in two hours fall in love, hate someone cry, laugh and so many emotions. If someone plays a good "part" their role sticks with you and makes an impression but them acting their story.. I would to a "heart flip" if I saw someone as well. They are glorified and torn down in the media and we see their faces everywhere so when we see them being normal sometimes I think its a good reality check. its not about money its about the publicity they get for what they do.

Missy said...

I love your paragraph about Ethan Hawke. I'm with Heidi though, I LOVE the frozen hot chocolate, maybe not worth the wait, but I totally buy the packets to go. Love it.