Nov 16, 2007

Friday night.

Mike is at work late tonight, which means that I'm coming up with creative ways to occupy my time while doing my very best to not get off the couch {I'm worn out}. Thus far I have:
  • Played around with the header of my other blog.
  • Had a cheese tortilla {just cheese, in a tortilla, melted in the microwave- my favorite after school snack} & mint hot chocolate {TJ's} for dinner. Odd combination, right?
  • Watched this week's The Office {not so funny}.
  • Watched this week's Grey's Anatomy {I don't care what people say - I still love it}
  • Called & ordered this movie to watch tonight.


Heidi said...

If only we lived in the same city! I am on my own tonight too ;-)

Lindsey said...

I'm excited to watch this week's grey's. I downloaded it yesterday, but didn't have a chance last night to watch it.

Let me know what you think of The Namesake. I really liked it. How do you call and order it?

k. said...

There's this place around the corner called We Deliver Videos ( We call them, and 15 minutes later, have a movie at our door. They will even come pick it up after we are done (or we can just leave it with our doorman). It's a good system.

I didn't love The Namesake- it was okay. Have you read the book Lindsey? Definitely way better.