Nov 16, 2007


We had bowling night for work last night, just for kicks {over 100 of of us}. We rented out an entire floor of Bowlmor Lanes. Super fun.
I played varsity tennis in highschool. I played volleyball. I've always been active. I'm coordinated. Promise. But I'm really, really bad at bowling. My first game {I would be K}, I manged to score 51. Oops. Game #2 showed significant improvement, with a high score of 80. I barely missed out on 3rd place {MD came in from behind & crushed my dreams of victory}.


Jan said...

Is that not funny? Yo take after your Mom, for sure. I used to bowl quite a bit in High School. I had a huge crush on a guy that bowled quite a bit, so I tried to be there when he was. Much as I tried, I never got much above 100. He was very good, so probably my lack of expertise had a wee bit to do with fact he never noticed me. By the way - I never liked how the ball stretched out my fingers. It's not on my top ten list, for sure.

Unknown said...

I think Brad's grandma is 88 and she's still on her bowling league. She wins trophies. He's (Brad) pretty good too... I'm basically terrible.

Have you tried glow-in-the-dark bowling? It was pretty popular in England growing up. It makes the low scores not so depressing. (I usually leave bowling in a bad mood.)

Melissa said...

I am just as bad at bowling. Me and my friend took a bowling class in college for fun and we both were SO horrible. I think I broke 75 once during the class. Pretty sad!

Julia said...

If you want to feel better about your bowling skills, I would be happy to go with you sometime.

I do have a funny story about a double date at BYU-- we played girls against guys, and we beat them by a lot (my roommate was very good). I didn't contribute too much to the win, but I sure felt good about my skills!

Elizabeth said...

Thats why you have to buy a wii you bowl and can actually be good.. Even Spencer bowled an almost perfect game when he came here to visit.

Heidi said...

Well I am not very coordinated and have never been good at sports so I never feel bad when I do badly bowling. I think in the 80s is great!

Lula. said...

You would feel really good playing a bowling game with me.