Nov 24, 2007


glut·ton·y - [gluht-n-ee]
–noun: excessive eating and drinking.

I think I'm done cooking for a while- & eating. Over the last few days Mike & I have made Vanessa's Thanksgiving Salad with Pomegranate {a Hudson Family tradition}, a side of Sugar Glazed Pearl Onions {they were delicious- & it was funny to hear Bryan say, "I love onions!"}, Mike's Sweet Potatoes {all for Thanksgiving dinner}, Banana Cream Pie with Caramel Drizzles & Chocolate Sauce {It was complicated, so we held off on making it until Friday- & then it had to sit in the fridge overnight}, Hudson Family Crepes for breakfast yesterday morning {another Hudson Family tradition} & then topped it off with Croissant French Toast for breakfast this morning. I've really wanted to go for a run these last two days {in an effort to counteract the massive amount of calories consumed}, but the frigid temps {it has been in the 30's} & my lack of foresight {I brought shorts & a long-sleeved tshirt} have kept me inside. Sigh.


Elizabeth said...

wow That all sounds really good though. I was good this year and didn't over eat even when I wanted to I even stuck to one dessert.

Unknown said...

that looks amazing!

Jan said...

Kevin is always saying how he doesn't like Tara working so hard to do Thanksgiving, BUT in the end, it's so much fun...and So delicious! All my girls have turned into wonderful cooks....Congratulations on a job well done!