Nov 14, 2007

One quick trip to C&B...

And I'm done. I think it's fun. It does the trick. It may not become a family heirloom, but it works in our "cute" NYC apartment. The green is fun, & I may switch out the shade at some point. Until then, it's nice to have a light next to the bed again.

Oh- the candle there? It's my favorite. We try to stock up on them during the Christmas season so that we can burn them all year round.

And the cute little polka dot/striped box? Mike & I made that at Color Me Mine in Provo on our last "date" before we got married... Take a wild guess at who was in charge of what piece. It was intended to put our wedding rings in when we sleep, but I've taken it over apparently {Mike sleeps with his ring on- I can't stand to wear any of them}. I hope it never breaks. The box, that is. And the lamp, too.


Unknown said...

That's my favorite date night! I always try to get Brad to take me there. The box turned out cute.

Love the lamp. It looks great. :)

Missy said...

Love the lamp. It looks good with your whole room.

Lindsey said...

Good choice. The lamp looks great.

Heidi said...

I have always wanted to go to one of those color me mine places and make something. I think the lamp looks darling.

Heidi said...

PS- I am a super organized person however my bedside stand is chaos- I try to keep all the books I want to read there and it looks a mess. Yours is inspiring...