Nov 26, 2007


  • Battled the rain & fog. The drizzle did not stop. Ever. Happy Monday!
  • Escaped from the bus after being relentlessly stared at by a creepy old man.
  • Walked along 57th street alongside a seemingly normal looking man who every few seconds would bark. Like a dog. I love New York.
  • Listened to my drummer/singer friend at 125th Street, while watching his recently added sidekick breakdance to the beat. {Sidenote: drummer man now has a bio posted next to his drums... Apparently he comes from Nigerian royalty. His father has 13+ wives, & he is one of 58 children. He came to the United States after he became a Christian & decided that his family was demonic. Interesting.}
  • Bought a zester. Finally. How could I have survived without one for so long {we've been using the cheese grater}?
  • Drank herbal tea for the 27th day in a row {approximately}. I can totally see why people are coffee people. Drinking something warm & soothing in the morning is nice {& also helps with the fact that my office is about 57 degrees most mornings}. I like mine with a lot of honey.
  • Visited the Stila counter at Bloomingdales & picked up a few of their holiday color palettes {Shadow + liner + cheek color- they are the best deal ever, fool-proof, & this time- they each came with lip gloss}. Even better- the women threw in another full sized lip gloss and their new mascara. Just for fun. Nice.
  • Picked up some lingerie for this weekend. Not for me. For the bachelorette party I am going to this weekend in Seattle for my BFF Alissa. Gap Body has some cute things that look comfortable & fun {Alissa, if you read this, don't peak}.
  • Drank orange juice for dinner. Let's just say we don't have much in the way of groceries right now {nor do I expect we will between now & Christmas}. I got home at 9pm tonight & Mike got home at 10pm. So much for dinner!
  • Noticed {& loved} that the lights, Christmas tree & Menorah have all gone up in our apartment's lobby.
  • Wondered if my bus driver {as in big NYC bus} talking on his cell phone to a friend was legal {or safe}.


Lindsey said...

I come across some interesting people on the bus too. It can be scary at times! I love Gap Body, good choice (i think).

Kellie said...

I'm with you on the herbal tea. My favorites are Twinings Pure Peppermint and Twinings Lemon & Chinese Ginger. So good!

Heidi said...

I love Stila color palettes- and how fun they threw in some extras! Hurray for holiday cheer!

Lula. said...

I have that same micro planer on my Christmas list...every other zester I have doesn't work well at all.

Sounds like you had a very interesting day.

Missy said...

I like posts like this b/c someday you'll love reading back on it and remembering the exact day with the weird guy on the bus and the feeling of walking down 57th street.

I only use a grater too - does it make that big of a difference, even if the grater has one of those very tiny grate sides?

Love the image of your lobby decorated for the holidays.

k. said...

Missy, I think it probably makes a difference, although we have survived with the grater (which also had a tiny side). A zester is better at creating a fine "zest", which the graters have bigger chunks... But then again, maybe not. It was only $12, and I had a gift card, so I went for it. You can use it for cheese, chocolate, coconut, etc.

Unknown said...

I love my zester- the WS version of that one. Even just for keeping my fingers safe it's worth it!

Unknown said...
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Tara Edwards said...

I'm feeling like I need to make a trip to our Bloomingdales to go to a Stilla counter. I think I would look out of place in my yoga pants. Maybe you should go for me.