Dec 18, 2007

Blatantly honest.

Dave wrote a letter from his mission in Argentina last week & included this:
"She [a woman they are teaching] got really sick this week (she's a diabetic and very obese) which has caused some problems (I can say that she's obese because I'm in Argentina and its not bad manners to tell things how they are)."
Sometimes I wish that I lived in Argentina, where you don't have to worry about being politically correct or softening the truth, & being blatantly honest is not perceived as a negative thing. Wouldn't it be better if we just all had open & honest relationships with the people we come into contact with in whatever circumstances? It would take care of a lot of the guessing games- in dating, in the professional arena, within families. If we could not worry about offending someone with simple honesty, I wonder what life would be like.
Just something super random I'm thinking about.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Honesty...tempered with love.....That's a true art. Sometimes the truth is better left unsaid because once words fly they cannot be taken back.