Dec 19, 2007


Yeah, so Jamie Lynn Spears {16} is pregnant. Her {& Trainwreck #1's} mother, Lynne Spears, decided to put her parenting book on hold after this news came out. Not to be critical {as Tara said, I'm not catty, just observant}, but really- probably a good idea.
And my last question- Did most celebrities miss Sex Ed 101 in public school? Are they all high school drop outs? I mean, really. Birth control is not rocket science, people.


Kera said...

Do we know who the father is. I am hoping its someone her age and not some producer or something.

Heidi said...

I am pretty sure most celebrities actually are high school drop outs...

Tara Edwards said...

I think it's just so sad, but for the record. The daddy is her 19 year old boyfriend and they are in the process of looking for a house so they can move in together. Don't get me wrong, but if you do the deed with a 16 year old and you are over 16 isn't that illegal? But I'm sure their relationship will last and the child will grow up to be a successful something or other. Sigh.

Elizabeth said...

I am sure they know what birth control is but when you have money fame you think you can get away with anything especially when you have a train wreck for your sister. She is such a good example of being a mom maybe sis wants to be just like her.. I think that whatever kids show she is on should be canceled and her mother should never be allowed to write a book on being a good mom. okay so that was a little harsh but true.