Dec 17, 2007

Monday morning.

I was walking to the train at 125th this morning & passed a woman standing on the sidewalk with a screaming toddler at her feet. She was staring blankly at nothing in particular, & as I passed by, a single tear fell down her cheek. I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but I ached for her pain- whatever its source.
I don't know her story, she doesn't know mine, nor do I don't know the circumstances of the hundreds of people I come in contact with {limited or otherwise} every day. I guess the simple lesson is that we likely all need to be more kind. In general. To our close friends. To our families. To everyone we meet. Because we just never really know what's going on in people's lives.


Lindsey said...

So true. Um and yea, I may have been that lady on the plane...

Jan said...

I am so sad......You're right, so right. We do need to be more kind....more considerate...more caring.
We also need to go beyond that, and DO something when something can be done. Maybe it's just a kind word....but something.

Melissa said...

Thanks for sharing this thought Kathryn. You are so right!

Missy said...

I think about this sort of thing all the time. We have no idea, ever, of what one is REALLY going through. Thanks!

Lula. said...

I couldn't agree more. You can pretty much bank on the fact that anyone you come into contact with is dealing with one difficulty or another.

Phil said...

What a testament that you were perceptive enough to even notice the tear on her cheek.