Dec 11, 2007


Sometimes a girl just wants a peanut butter & jelly sandwich.
I can order just about anything I want for lunch at work- sushi, salads, breakfast, soup, Thai, you name it. But I'm tired of it all. For the past week, I've been resorting to cereal or, more recently, PB&J. I don't know what it is. I'm just tired of complicated food. So- I'm detoxing. With PB&J. Strawberry jam, please.
That's all. I'm coming out of the blogging drought slowly.


Heidi said...

I am a sucker for PB&J- but it has to be homemade jam. I also love PB&N- Nutella!!

Elizabeth said...

hmmm I love PBJ's especially when they are toasted.

Jan said...

I agree - I didn't learn about toasted until later in life, but it makes it all taste ever so much better....yum!