Dec 9, 2007

Sign me up for the infomercial.

Remember this recent change in my life? A few weeks later- I love it. Absolutely love it. Kera said it has changed her skin- it has changed mine, too. I feel SO much better, I've cleared up a bit, & I love avoiding the "cakey" feeling that comes with wearing foundation. I think that my skin is much, much happier without all of the yucky stuff in "normal" foundation. Oh- & I use the Bare Vitamins lotion {came with the starter kit} every morning & night, & it really has changed the texture/appearance of my skin. This might just be the first product I've used that has really lived up to it's reputation. I'm still wondering if the eye cream I recently bought will actually do anything {I'm suspicious that eye cream is just regular moisturizer in a very small, very expensive tube}, but the nice lady at the Bare Minerals boutique was kind enough to inform me that I had bags & dark circles under my eyes. Lovely.


Joanna said...

I love it! I was just in Sephora's with a friend yesterday and talked her into the starter kit... It think it is the best! I bought a blush, too. "Glee". I mainly bought it because Iiked the name. I think the word "glee" is far underused. Anyhow - glad you like it!

Melissa said...

okay I really really want to try this stuff out! It sounds awesome!

Lindsey said...

I am so happy to hear this, because I have had my eye on Bare Minerals! I'm going to try out my sisters and then Alan may be purchasing it for my Christmas gift! :)

Caitlin said...

i'm sold, I really need to pick some of this up asap!