Dec 8, 2007

This week... Nothing in particular.

It was one of those weeks where most morning, I felt like I didn't even feel like I needed to brush my teeth due to the minimal sleep received {but did, of course}. I tried to blog a few times {when I could grab a free moment}, but just sort of felt stuck, like nothing I was thinking was really worth sharing. It has been a busy week. Tara called me 2 days ago & I still haven't called her back {I'm sorry!!}. I'm just about out of clean undies. It's been one of those weeks I guess. Not a bad week, just one of those.

I had a dinner for work on Thursday night at a 5 Ninth. So fun, & so yummy. I ordered the gnocchi. Really, really good gnocchi is definitely one of my favorite things in life, but ordering it from somewhere new is always risky. I was happy it worked out. And- I'm really happy to have a job that I love. I work with really great people, & I feel lucky that work is fun.

My book- I'm struggling to get through it this week {okay, month}. I really appreciate the subject matter, but just can't get into it. Maybe I'm tired of reading. I've found myself thinking of other things I can do on the train {i.e. read the news, check my personal email, stare blankly out the window, etc.}. But I have to finish it. I just hate quitting something {anything} halfway through. But there are so many books on my "To Read" list that I'm just getting antsy.

It's Saturday. I need to go for a run, even though it's 32 degrees outside. I'm running a 5 mile race in Central Park next week, & let's just say I've slacked off a little bit since San Francisco. I also need to go shopping. My dad is coming into town next weekend, & we leave for Washington the next, & my week nights do not exactly allow time for holiday shopping. I need to take more advantage of the internet, but I think I'm more of a touch & see person.

And these cookies- I made a trip to Trader Joe's last night & picked up these cookies. So delicious. Sort of like the Girl Scout thin mints. I had one for breakfast.


Tara Edwards said...

I think it must be the moon. I've had a busy week as well. We can talk and talk and talk when we are sitting in front of the fire at Priest Lake!

Tara Edwards said...

I think it must be the moon. I've had a busy week as well. We can talk and talk and talk when we are sitting in front of the fire at Priest Lake!

Heidi said...

I think it is so great that you seem to really love your job and think it's actually fun. I am still trying to figure out what that job would be for me...

Lindsey said...

I love Girl Scout thin mints! I will have to try those when in the states...on Tuesday!

Jennifer said...

I do a lot of online shopping, but only because it's harder to do the touch and feel kind of shopping with a baby. I miss it though. I miss rummaging through Nordstrom Rack and TJ Maxx--Lilly has no patience for this kind of shopping.