Jan 5, 2008

47 times on repeat, roughly.

I lose some sales and my boss won't be happy
but I can't stop listening to the sound
of two soft voices blended in perfection
from the reels of this record that I found

I've listened to this song no less than 47 times over the past four days. I love the opening lyrics, because every so often, that happens to me. I get completely lost in a song. If there is anything that makes me truly feel, it is music, of all sorts. Thanks to loading up my iPod with all of Joanna's music while in Spokane, I have some new favorites.


Meg said...

It really is a good song! I now have a new great song on my IPOD :-)

Tara Edwards said...

I think we need to find you a new song to listen to. Something like, You are my sunshine or Zippyity do dah! :) We miss you too. Love you!

Elizabeth said...

who is that? 47 times thats a lot but it is a pretty song. Simple and very calming but it might help that I haven't really slept so I am tired anyway. I love you and miss you. Hudson tried to call you again last night on the computer. it was pretty cute he tried saying your name and reaching for it.

Joanna said...

King of Convenience. Love them! But you'll need to balance them out with Michael Franti or Badly Drawn Boy or something. Glad you liked the music! I want to come visit you...

Julia said...

I love the Kings of Convenience-- I discovered them about three years ago, and they are some of my favorite "mellow music" The whole album is awesome.