Jan 28, 2008


I really like the concept of life after death. I also really like that it is a knowledge for me, & not merely just a concept. I was surprisingly far from sad when I heard that President Hinckley passed away yesterday. I was peaceful, grateful, & happy for him, & especially for his sweet wife. My dear friend Melissa posted this quote on her blog today & I thought it was perfect {especially as so many people have summed up today what I cannot seem to be able}.
"I am no longer a young man filled with energy and vitality. I am an old man. I'm given to meditation and prayer. I would enjoy sitting in a rocker, swallowing prescriptions, listening to soft music, and contemplating the things of the universe. But such activity offers no challenge and makes no contribution. I wish to be up and doing. I wish to face each day with resolution and purpose. I wish to use every waking hour to give encouragement, to bless those whose burdens are heavy, to build faith and strength of testimony. "


Heidi said...

Wonderful quote. I was happy for him too when I heard. I will for sure miss his great sense of humor at each conference though.

Kellie said...

So nice to read.

Kera said...

He and his wife were adorable. Probably still are :)