Jan 22, 2008

I'm in trouble.

Uh oh. Read this.


Jan said...

I'm ever so sorry! You aren't alone in your love for the good stuff.....I'm simply glad someone out there is keeping a watch out for us, since we can't always do it ourselves.

suz said...

Thanks for this post. I went out the other night with a pregnant friend and we had Sushi (some of which were tuna) so I forwarded the link to her. She has now decided to abstain from Sushi for the duration. Thanks again for the information.

Melissa said...

whoa! Sorry...its kind of funny though that you just posted a few days ago how much you love sushi and could eat it everyday!! :) Sounds like you might have to adjust your diet a bit.

Kellie said...

Uh oh. Time to find a new favorite lunch....

I guess J was right about too much sushi - I'll have to show him the article.

Alissa said...

Oh NO. I LOVE the spicy tuna rolls too, but always wonder how good sushi is for me (on a weekly basis). Does this mean that I have to be boring again and find the love for safe california rolls???

This is not comparable to sushi, but if you like soup at all, I often order veggie udon noodle soup w/tofu from a sushi restaurant that my co-workers order out from every week. It's really yummy, but like I said...not comparable to sushi. Ugh.

Unknown said...

You can get sushi without the high mercury fish.. right? (So, sans swordfish or tuna?) I love crab and lobster. Bummer though! Maybe you could go on a pad thai kick or something.