Jan 31, 2008

A warning to those who double-dip.

Make sure to read this before your Super Bowl party on Sunday.


Julia said...

Hilarious article! But what to do about the age old problem of not enough dip to chip ratio if you you only dip once...

Melissa said...


suz said...

That is more gross than I ever expected. When I want to dip twice I turn over the chip,carrot, etc and dip the end I haven't bitten. Hopefully I am keeping mouth germs out of the dip but I guess there is the question of hand germs. I will have to rethink my dipping procedure.

Kellie said...

You always find the most interesting things to post. I love it. And, I am NOT a double dipper.

Heidi said...


Scott and Elly said...

Wow! That is unbelieveable! I am now officially paranoid about double dipping!