Jan 23, 2008


Today... I love Regina Spektor, hard boiled eggs, & my new super girlie jacket I bought at Anthropologie last week. But I really have hated jury duty.
This afternoon... The jury I was a part of convicted a man faced with criminal charges {albeit somewhat funny ones}. He will go to jail, although it is for the judge to determine for what period of time. It was a strange position to be in, to judge someone, to determine whether he was proven guilty. We were all a bit melancholy when we walked out of the courthouse. I'm glad that it's over.

Heath Ledger dying yesterday... It made me profoundly sad, & not because he was a celebrity. He was 28. I'm 25. He had a baby girl who has an adorable name. It was an odd feeling. I was walking through Soho an hour after they carried his body out of his apartment.


Missy said...

His death has left me sad too. He's Devin's age and my daughter is close to the same age as his. It's weird to think how quick things happen.

Love Regina Spektor too. Maybe one of my favorites for the past several months.

Can you post a photo of your jacket?

Lindsey said...

His death really disturbs/saddens me for the same reasons.

I am also a fan of Regina Spektor. And not to completely duplicate Missy's comment, but yes, please post your jacket.

Bret said...

Did I introduce you to Regina? It wouldn't surprise me if I did. I have pretty incredible taste in music.

k. said...

Of course you did Bret. We are soul mates re: books and music.