Feb 17, 2008


Tara & Suzanna are coming this weekend. Can't wait! Thus far on the agenda:

Yes, I will not be eating all week in preparation for their visit. Yes, the weather will be okay, so we'll actually be able to go outside {the forecast is calling for the mid 40's}. What else do we want to do?


Tara Edwards said...

We are going to have so much fun! Thanks for planning so much.. food :) Maybe we should spend some time in your gym inbetween meals!

Lindsey said...

So fun. My mom and sis are coming this weekend too. I love holidays that revolve around food, so your agenda sounds perfect.

suz said...

Wow! I am SOOOOO excited! But have MUCH to do before I go.

Kellie said...

I hope you had a great girls weekend! Did you enjoy Norma's? I hope you got the bottomless OJ.

k. said...

Kellie, the girls weekend is happening THIS weekend (as in the 22nd). I'm excited.

We DID go to Norma's yesterday though (and are going back on Saturday). So delicious. I got the hot chocolate. It came with a tub of the most delicious whipped cream I've ever had. Truly devine. I cannot wait to go back.

Jan said...

You're just trying to make me jealous! I can't wait to hear all the details! Let the fun begin!!!!