Feb 13, 2008

Best in Show.

Someday, I would like to have a Beagle. Well, I'd like to have a beagle, & a backyard. Or at least a beagle & a brownstone. Anyway. Uno was recently named Best in Show at the Westminster. I love dogs.
Speaking of which, if you haven't seen this movie, you must. It's on my Top 10 list.


suz said...

That IS a funny movie!

Jan said...

I understand this little guy is amazing from top to toe - with a personality that is to die for. He's SO cute.....Would go well in a brownstone, except they are WAY too high energy to be cooped up.

Unknown said...

If you live in a brownstone, you need to own a bulldog. It just works.

Missy said...

That movie is seriously one of our all time favorites.

Tara Edwards said...

I second Mom's comment. I've thought I wanted a Beagle for a long time, but their personalities are such that they need a good fence and a lot of running.