Feb 13, 2008


  • My friend Bret was kind enough to post a gluttony of photos of me on his blog. He's really excited to go to the Joshua Radin concert with me. Can't wait!
  • I'm still in Philadelphia, & it is still snowing. Or raining. Probably both, which is extra gross. Either way, it is slushy & it's wet. I refuse to go outside.
  • I also refused to eat the mini-octupus last night. There were two very cute little octupi {?}, skewered right through the head. As much as I love to be adventurous, I prefer not to be able to readily identify the animal I am consuming {i.e. I hate eating ribs, chicken on the bone, small sea animals, sushi with skin on it, etc}.
  • I'm so, so, SO excited for Tara & Suzanna to come visit me next weekend. Now I just need a list of to-do's. Fellow New Yorkers, please help. I always struggle with creative things to do {especially in the winter, when it is likely to be a bit frigid}.
  • I'm reading {yes, actually reading, finally} Water for Elephants right now. I actually really like it. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it sooner rather than later. My brain has been very noisy for the past few months, & I'm trying to get it to quiet down so that I can actually focus on a book.
  • I need a hair cut. Desperately. So much so that I might just go back to my NYC favorite, despite the fact that his prices went up 50% last spring. Ugh. I'm a little picky with who I let touch my hair.
  • I miss my neices & nephews. We need a Mac, for the sole purpose of iChat.

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