Feb 5, 2008


I really love Manhattan, but sometimes I wish our grocery stores were just a little bit bigger.


Missy said...

That looks just like the market I shopped at in London! Cute little carts though. Do you have carts in your building? My friend Rebecca said she has carts in her building to take to the store.

Jan said...

I was thinking that perhaps you might want Tara to bring you a few special things that you might not have in your stores, but then realized that in reality, Manhattan probably has more diversity and variety than almost any place on earth. It just probably takes a bit more doing to find some things, and then you have to lug them around on Subways and in cabs. In my book, the Whole Foods in Portland has got to be one of the amazing markets on the planet. I would probably shop there almost exclusively if I lived there and budget was no issue.

k. said...

Oh man, I wish we had carts. I have very strong biceps thanks to grocery shopping in NYC.

Some people buy these foldable carts at The Container Store, but I have enough stuff in my (small) apartment as is.

k. said...

And mom- yup. I can find just about anything, except apple cider in packets, and Johnny's seasoning. We've pretty much got everything else (and more). Our Whole Foods is pretty great, too.

Lula. said...

I LOVE Johnny's! The Costco here has started selling it. We used to have to get it from our NW relatives.

Unknown said...

I remember those markets. We had the same situation in Boston. Small stores, small isles! But so convenient that they (even if they ARE small) are usually just on the corner.. right. And then it makes shopping at Whole Foods (I MISS it!) seem so amazing.

Kellie said...

J and I were grocery shopping the other day and I said, "Isn't it amazing, look at all this stuff!" True you can find almost anything in NYC, but being near Target is pretty great.

Jennifer said...

I think I would die without being able to go to Target once a week. Really.