Feb 12, 2008

Hudson Family Tree {Manhattan Chapter}.

Manhattan has a population of over 8 million. The United States has over 333 million. We've never had a Hudson Family Reunion. I have an extended family that is roughly twice the size of your average 1st grade class {maybe}. I just don't have a lot of relatives. The ones that I do have seem to have a tendency to lean towards the west.

So imagine this - It turns out that my Grandfather's father's brother's son {follow?} lives in New York. Not only in New York, but in Manhattan. And not only in Manhattan, but in Yorkville. And not only in Yorkville, but exactly SIX blocks away from me.

He is a Hautzig. This was "Hudson" before some family drama called for the change. I spoke with him on the phone this afternoon. He was lovely. He's a famous pianist, it turns out. He has a thick Austrian accent. He is old, in his upper 80's, & he would like to take me to lunch. I'm excited.

It gets better. My Grandfather's brother, Seymore- He lives in New Jersey. 45 minutes away from my apartment. I haven't seen him since I was a little girl. I talked to him today as well, & I heard a part of my Grandpa's voice {I'm still craving his booming laugh}. I'm going on Saturday to see him at his retirement home. He said it is terribly lonely. He was so excited when I called.

And all this time I have felt lonely being the only Hudson on the east coast.


Tara Edwards said...

I'm so excited for you, and a little jealous! I remember See being a smaller version of Grandpa with the same twinkle in his eye. It's been a long time!

suz said...

How wonderful for you!

Julia said...

Wow-- how amazing to find those connections, and I am sure you made both of their days. How did you find them anyway?

I have one long lost relative that I found since living in the city, my grandpa's cousin Ralph. He is a cute little old man who comes into the city from Jersey with his cute German wife to go to the opera and take us to dinner. They have a ski cabin in Vermont that they want to take us to someday when Eric has some time off.

Three cheers for distant relations!

Missy said...

This is the coolest thing ever Kathryn. How did you figure it all out?

Jan said...

This is seriously so fun! I feel a bit pressed to make some connections these days because holders of the family story are getting older and older with each and every day. We can't wait to hear what you learn from these wonderful men!
One of the neat members in our Ward helped me with some Genealogy a few years back and he came up with the name of Walter Hautzig's wife and one of the books she wrote.....I dismissed it as not a match. I was so wrong! Thankfully we're hot on the trail again!

Elizabeth said...

I am so excited for you too.. please take pictures.

Lindsey said...

That is wonderful! Seriously great discovery and so fun! I'm really excited/happy for you. Do tell how the lunch/visit goes. Love that the Grandfather's father's brother's son still has an austrian accent too. Very cool.

Alissa said...

Wow! You are an inspiration Kathryn. How neat to learn this, and to have the opportunity to meet them too! Can't believe how small the world can be sometimes...6 blocks, really?!? Amazing.

Bryan, Mary, Abby & Lorin said...

Cool Kathryn. How did you find out about all your relatives who live here? That will be great to see them. And, imagine - 2 relatives in less than an hour from your place! That's amazing.

Joanna said...

Your post made me tear up!! Make sure to take lots of pictures, ok?! Ever since mom told me a few of the great stories she uncovered I have felt such deep pride (the good kind) for our family's heritage. I love it! Keep us posted on your discoveries

Unknown said...

It's all very The History of Love-ish. That's pretty incredible. Nothing like family... even distant and almost lost.

Kera said...

I am excited to hear about all about it. Maybe you two could play a duet.

Kellie said...

What a great story. Can't wait to hear all about it.

PS - you always find the coolest pictures/images of Manhattan!

k. said...

My mom. It's all my mom (I think). We had heard for a while that Walter (Hautzig) lived in Manhattan, but after visiting my Grandfather's sister this last weekend, my mom got all of the details.

I'm excited. :)