Feb 13, 2008


I'm in Philadelphia {for work}. A group of us ate here tonight, & it was delicious. It's my favorite spot in Philly, especially when I'm not paying. We came here this past fall & it was equally yummy. The tasting menu is the best, because a) you never know what you're going to get & b) you eat things that you never normally would {e.g. a bisquit with strawberries & tuna [raw, of course], topped with kiwi sauce, & a separate course of sea urchin}. The sea urchin was too squishy for my tatste.

It is snowing, & the city is very slushy. I hate slush. And it's cold. I don't love cold, either.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

I never made it to Morimoto's in Philly, but I did go to his restaurant in NY for my birthday. Hands down, top 5 restaurants that I ate at in the city. One day I'm coming back to visit and we're going!

PS - I got a lead on a deal that could involve travel to NY, I am scheming!