Feb 7, 2008

I dream of:

A little more space {I'd love a brownstone on a tree-lined street. All of it. Not just an apartment.}
Accesibility to the greatest store ever. One stop shopping.

A washer & dryer, void of invisible bleach residue from the last person who used it {I'm jealous, Kellie}.

A car. And a really great parking spot, guaranteed.


suz said...

The things we suburb dwellers take for granted!

Tara Edwards said...

I have to say, I love Target, and it's nice to have a little space, but there is something fun about living in a city with everything within a few blocks and no excuse not to walk. I'm excited to come visit it! And You!

Bret said...

Jim has that allroad. He's trying to sell it. $16,900? Want it?

k. said...

Will he drive it to NYC? And can he find me a permanent parking spot?

Jan said...

I dream for you too. You have worked hard...very hard these past almost three years. Hopefully your time will come soon!

Lula. said...

I feel sorry for you that you don't have Target....or a washer/dryer. But you DO have the city life. I sometimes dream of that.

Jennifer said...

Suburbs vs. City--it's a tough call. I say enjoy the city while you are childless. Once the kids come, you'll REALLY want these things.

Missy said...

Please think about buying a brownstone. I think they look so cool.