Feb 5, 2008

Heavy boots.

I really loved the book Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close. Oskar Schell is a nine-year-old amateur inventor, jewelry designer, astrophysicist, tambourine player and pacifist (that's in italics because I didn't write it). When he is depressed or sad, he says that he has heavy boots.
It is 55 degrees today, which should be a good thing in February. But it is also horrifically grey & pouring rain. There is thunder, too. It makes me feel like curling up on the couch with a blanket & cup of tea, sleeping the day away. It makes me feel like I have heavy boots.


Lindsey said...

I have been wanting to read that book since I read his wife's book - The History of Love. Critics said they are similar styles, what did you think?

k. said...

Okay, seriously? They are married? That is crazy. Definitely two of my favorite books of the year.

The style is definately similar. Love them both.

I want to read Everything is Illuminated, too. The movie was really good.

Alissa said...

Uhm, hi - you are preaching to the choir when it comes to grey and pouring rain...Seattle anyone??? You should curl up on a couch w/ a blanket... you deserve a lazy day! I hope your heavy boots feeling goes away soon!

Bret said...

I didn't know they were married either. Extremely loud is in my top 10 of all time. I didn't like Everything is Illuminated. I got sick of reading the Ukrainian kid's broken up English. You'll understand when you start to read it. I'm finally reading Middlesex.

Kellie said...

Another book to add to my list!

Unknown said...

I started Everything is Illuminated and never finished it as well. Maybe I'll come back to it at some point. I've heard good things about Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close. So many good books to catch up with...