Feb 29, 2008

I want them to have babies together.

Saw Ingrid Michaelson & Joshua Radin tonight in Salt Lake City. Ingrid was light, funny & witty. Joshua Radin seemed to open his chest & expose his soul. I loved them both & hope to see them again soon {FYI they are playing together in Spokane & San Francisco in the upcoming weeks/months}. I was super lame & left my camera in the car. Boo. Had I brought it, I would have filmed Ingrid's cover of The Fresh Prince theme song & Joshua Radin's beautiful new song that will come out on his new album this spring. Can't wait.


Jan said...

I am so cross - I went online only t find that they are only in Spokane for one night, and it's this Sunday. Boo! I would love to hear them......I can't wait to hear about the concert....They have GREAT voices, don't they? I'll bet it was fabulous!

Heidi said...

Cool, I will have to look up their San Fran concert date.

Kellie said...

Wasn't it great!? But I'm confused, somebody yelled to Josh asking if he is dating Ingrid and he didn't answer....