Feb 8, 2008

Spur of the moment.

I bought a ticket to Salt Lake tonight as a spur of the moment response to hearing about this concert {I'm going with my friend Bret & his boyfriend Jim}. I'm seeing Tara the weekend before {in NYC}, & then Joanna + Elizabeth the very next weekend in the motherland- along with friends that I don't see often enough. This is happy news.
Kellie & Kelli - please be in town that weekend. I miss my friends.


Elizabeth said...

I am SSSOOOOOO Excited to see you I cant wait.

Kellie said...

YAH!! I will not only be in town, I will be at the concert too! I'm so, so, so excited to see you. Please let me know what your plans are, I know you have lots of people to see, I'm flexible :)

Bret said...

I am very excited to see you too...You can use one of our cars while you are here so you can go see everyone. Call when you get a minute.

Heidi said...

I also heard about this concert and am very jealous!

Unknown said...

hooray! I'm here too. do you have a place to stay? I would love to see you if you can work it in. I'll make good food for you. :)

Bri said...

LOVE Joshua Radin. Ask Jen about us listening to JR on repeat in Delaware. Missy can vouch too.

Tara Edwards said...

OK - I'm a dork. I don't know who Jshua Radin is, so I'll go online to check him out, but I'm excited that you get to go! We are going to be on the same side of the country!

Kera said...

i have been listening to his music over and over recently. have a blast.