Tuesday: Event in NYC all day, dinner meeting in New York, then fly to Boston
Wednesday: Event all day in Boston, fly back to New York City
Thursday: Catch a flight to Utah early in the morning
Saturday: Catch a flight back to New York late in the evening {boo for redeye flights}
It's going to be a busy week. This being said, it would be a lot more complicated if I had to travel by horse & buggy {or by foot}. I'm grateful for the cabs, subways, trains, buses & airplanes {+ cars in Utah- hooray!} that I will be taking this week.
Speaking of travel. We should all go on a cruise or something.
All I was trying to say was Whew!!!! i don't know why it posted so many times!
By the way, Kera, I volunteer for babysitting!
You are an incredibly busy girl! Have fun in Utah!
Countdown to Utah --- 3 days!!!
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