Feb 17, 2008

Walter Hautzig.

See, I have this fear of meeting new people sometimes. I'm shy, in a weird way. I hate calling people I don't know on the phone, especially. Obviously, with work, I've had to get over this. But still.
I called Walter Hautzig last week, at the request of my mother. He is {I think}, my great grandfather’s brother's son. He lives right down the street. Apparently, he is famous. He called this evening & invited me over for tea next Sunday with his wife. This is lovely, except that the tea I drink tends to be of the herbal sort {how do I explain D&C 89?}, & the fact that he is a world renowned concert pianist {who happens to live in Rachmaninoff’s old building} makes me just a little bit apprehensive. Okay, I’m terrified. I mentioned that I studied the piano for many years, & I don’t think my Washington references to those with whom I studied were impressive to him. Oh well. I will definitely not be touching his piano.


Lindsey said...

Beautiful music! Your family connections of late are so exciting! The tea thing is a tricky one - I'm faced with it a lot in England too. Awkward. I don't even explain - just ask for water or whatever non-tea drink they mention (or I have a friend who just drinks the water hot?).

Heidi said...

I think explaing why you don't drink tea is the perfect segway into a much greater conversation. I love when people ask me out to coffee, drinks, etc. But that is just me.

Kellie said...

I think you'll do wonderfully. Maybe as a host gift you could bring tea to them, making sure there is herbal in the selection.