Mar 14, 2008

CC Theft

I got an automated call early this morning from AMEX stating that there had been some "unusual activity" on our card. If by "unusual" they meant "unusually high balance," then absolutely, I was in total agreement. After the impact of Black Thursday (aka Valentine's Day), I thought little of it.

I ended up calling later this morning to get the 411. Turns out they had seen specific transactions that looked fishy on Kathryn's card: $84 (maybe for her admin who does so many nice things for her? Or her wonderful husband, just because?), $24 at (hmmm... maybe she's having second thoughts?), and $1549 at Macy's (sounds like we need to have another family council on clothing expenses). HOLD THE PHONE. Macy's?? Bloomingdales, perhaps. Nordstrom, easily. But Macy's?? That's definitely not my Kathryn.


Kellie said...

LOL - you know her so well :)

Missy said...

This was funny.

Tara Edwards said...

Funny! But not funny! What do you do now? I'm sorry!

Elizabeth said...

Thats funny.. I am glad you found out though.. just tell them all the high balances werent you... JUST KIDDING.

dad said...

I woke up the other night, in a hotel, to the smell of smoke and someone yelling (it was ONE A.M.!) "Fire! John, wake up, wake up!" I jumped out of bed, threw on my robe and dashed to the door. Then I thought, "Wait a minute! My name isn't John." So I took off the robe, climbed back in bed, and went back to sleep.

Kera said...

yikes... so, what is the rest of the story?

k. said...

Amex is working it out. The BIG charge ($1500) was taken care of, but a few other charges had already hit our account, so it is going to take 30 days to figure it out. No fun.

Kera said...

so how did it happen and who spent the money?

k. said...

No idea. It gives me the willies.