Mar 14, 2008


This tunic was my most recent purchase at Anthropologie. I love flowy tops. I guess you could say that I wear a lot of things that are roomy. Well, my admin at work today was kind enough to tell me that there is a rumor circulating amongst the assistants that I am preggers. Yup. The comment to her {my admin} from another was, "Is Kathryn pregnant? Her tops this week have all been very flowy." I guess I've been like Angelina- is she, or isn't she? Or maybe I'm just chubby? Well, I'm not {pregnant, & I've dropped weight, not gained in the last few months}. I just like the current trends of lose & pretty, vs. tight & low {etc, etc}. Sigh.


Kellie said...

Chubby is one thing you're not!

Tara Edwards said...

You are so not chubby, and I love flowy tops. They are so comfortable!

Kera said...

seriously chubby? please. You are a skinny mini. I would LOVE to have your rockin bod.

Julia said...

It is odd what rumors seem to circulate around the office. You are definitely not chubby! The funny thing is that no one in my office knows I am preggo yet-- probably because I am still stuck on skinny tops-- they just don't really look good on me anymore. I may have to borrow a few flowy tops from you!

Joanna said...

a) you're a toothpick

b) I'm obsessed with this shirt. Is is still for sale out there somewhere? I need!