Mar 1, 2008

Change we can Believe in.


Mike said...

Celebrity/average joe montage + catchy chant + Jessica Alba as the central speaker. Doesn't really tell me about what he's going to do, but his branding is most definitely far superior to that of anyone else in the field. I mean come on, if you have Alba backing you, what else do you need?

Bret said...

Good Point Mike. His branding is incredible and almost has a cult-like following, but I admire the freshness and optimism. It would have been nice to have Obama speak at the end about how he plans to bring about these changes. I loved the one comment that basically stated that they want other countries to like us. Wouldn't that be nice.

Unknown said...

I've liked him before he was even a political candidate. I like his character. He feels real. And now, I align with his policies about 88%. That's pretty good. I'm really, really HOPING.

Jan said...

Why do I remain skeptical?.....It seems too contrived...too slick to me. I guess I have become very untrusting.......Options? I want another option. Change is needed, granted, but how and at what our pocketbooks...our liberties? He is proud to be an American? Will he uphold the Constitution and stay true to the values of our founding fathers?
I want the America of my youth back.....
I just am not convinced I know his REAL platform yet.
Sorry I know this opens a Pandora's box...but oh well, I'm an invited guest.

Anonymous said...

no pandora's box for me, but i will say this. i'll be glad i'm not close to any major U.S. city come next term. and i'll make sure to keep an unaltered constitution for myself, including a copy of the pledge of allegiance and an original dollar bill with "In God We Trust" still printed on it.
-mike, i love your comment on the song. it is catchy, and it sure does convince me that other people like jessica alba are convinced, that he's convinced, that other people are convinced.... of... something?
-from patrick (and yes kathryn, i still love you) :)