Mar 10, 2008


So, the interesting man, with the too-short stonewashed jeans & black shoes {oh, & I forgot to mention that he always carries his briefcase in a tote bag}... He was on the subway with me this morning. I took advantage. I was subtle, with the BlackBerry.


Jan said...

The good thing is that he has no difficulty each morning picking out what to wear, and his briefcase will never wear out. He IS interesting....or maybe not at all. depending on your perspective. By the way I was VERY impressed by your little people drawings....How did you make them?

k. said...

Microsoft paint. :)

Tara Edwards said...

OK , that is too funny. The picture part, not the pants. You will have to teach Kevin more about his new phone when we get together. He's just figuring out the texting part!

suz said...

LOL! you crack me up!

Kellie said...

LOL - you are so bad!