Mar 20, 2008

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

I did not like her.


Elizabeth said...

Seriously I couldn't stand Roseanne Bar.. I mean whatever her name was

Jan said...

She gives me the creeps. I'm quite glad I am not her mother.....Can you imagine sticking your tongue out in front of how many millions of people? And all that screaming...I'd had quite enough, thank you. Actually, I'm not yet in love with anyone...Brooke is darling, of course, and David is quite lovely, but I'm waiting to be convinced. It's serious and lofty business, this Idol thing.

suz said...

I didn't like her either. I was glad it was her and not Christy Lee Cook. Chrsty sold her horse to get to the audition and being a horse love as a kid I just didn't want it to be in vain.

Kera said...

the weird thing about her is that they would show clips of her fiance here and there and he is so, NORMAL, looking.

She does look and sound exactly like Rosanne and I have never been able to watch a full episode of that dreadful show.